My name is Janine and I am a former client of Kelly Patton's. As a woman who was subjected to multiple failures and abuses during my preadolescence and shamed for showing emotion, I learned to hide my tears. The first time I walked into Kelly's office, I was overcome with such a sense that I was safe and in a spiritual essence ~ home. I cried a good part of that first session.
I knew something was wrong inside of me but for the life of me, I could not figure it out on my own. Through time, I allowed Kelly to gently guide me into this part of me where I could barely breathe. She gently and intentionally helped me learn to identify my feelings, reality test where I draw my conclusions from, clarify my language, respect emotional boundaries, (my own and other's), feel my anger and fear/panic and be able to learn to stay in the moment with it. It has taken me my life time to put into practice what I learned ... but I am closer to getting it right than ever before.
It was not an easy journey but Kelly's approach left me certain that she was my angel sent from God ... to help me manifest my deepest be restored to the woman I was intended to be on the day I was born.
Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for Kelly and her willingness to work with me. I can only hope you find her as good of a fit as I did for myself. Be blessed...:)) ~ Janine